You can only lose what you cling to

Posted June 21, 2017

In a world that is constantly changing, you’d think that we would be able to be more accepting of the universal principle of impermanence. Yet, it’s such a hard concept to grasp and be ok with. It’s hard enough when someone makes a decision that greatly impacts our life in an adverse way, but it’s even more painful when that person is a loved one.

We become attached to things and to people that bring us pleasure and we never want it to end. Yet it always does. Craving for things we want or for things to be different brings us suffering. Hence the reason we’re always told to “live in the present” and to “enjoy the moment”… because it is so fleeting.

Lasting peace and happiness can only be found within by doing inner work. New Thought Forum was created to bring people together to…

- Help humanity get in touch with themselves and others
- Explore the infinite power within
- Discover tools for personal development, holistic living & spiritual growth
- Awaken to your own inner purpose, peace & happiness

We have 30 outstanding members of our community eager to share their expertise with you, as well as cutting-edge techniques that are rooted in timeless wisdom.

Our featured presenter of the week is Lesley Picchietti. Lesley is a life and leadership coach, engagement expert, trainer and speaker. She will unveil the core causes that keep us reacting to life instead of fully creating it. Read more about Lesley Picchietti.

Always remember… “Happiness is an inside job.” – William Arthur Ward
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